Learn about are Cardiopulmonary Exercise Lab to Assess Patients and Athletes with Potential Exercise Limitations
When an athlete has symptoms or findings concerning for a cardiopulmonary problem, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, excessively racing heart, irregular rhythm, excessive fatigue, or exercise intolerance, the reason can be due to a long list of possibilities. Cardiopulmonary metabolic testing is a way to determine where the problem(s) may be in the chain of processes deliver oxygen and nutrients to exercising muscles.
The assessment begins with pulmonary function testing and then the components of the respiratory chain that might be deficient leading to early anaerobic metabolism (the anaerobic threshold) and a limitation to oxygen delivery to working muscles (the VO2max).
See Education on The Meaning of My Exercise Testing
Our Cardiopulmonary Assessment Services:
- Assessment of pulmonary function.
- Assessment of exercise capacity (physical fitness) as measured by maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) and other metabolic parameters.
- Detection of exercise-induced asthma and assessment of response to medications.
- Detection of vocal cord dysfunction syndrome.
- Education and counseling for families.

Athlete History Questions: Has your athlete ever…
..had extreme fatigue associated with exercise (different from peers)?
..had unusual or extreme shortness of breath during exercise?
..had discomfort, pain, or pressure in his/her chest during exercise?
..complained of his/her heart “racing or skipping beats?
..passed out during or after exercise?