Welcome to our HIPPA-compliant, Meaningful-Use-compliant Patient Portal.
This resource will allow you to:
- Communicate with our staff in a HIPAA compliant environment
- Confirm and request appointments
- View laboratory results
- View, save and print your heath summary information
Important Information:
Please be aware that there are significant limitations to the access to your records via this portal. These limitations are due to limitations in the electronic medical record system used. This system allows only access to rough-draft internal notes and not medically or grammatically corrected finished notes nor to lab results. Because of this limitation, it’s quite possible that any part of the draft note contains incorrect information, conclusions and recommendations.
To be sure that you have the most accurate note and any lab results, you must request this from our staff via a portal communication or at a visit.
First Time Access
If this is your first time accessing the Portal, please print and sign a Portal Authorization Form and submit it to our office staff via:
5933 Coronado Lane, Suite 104
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 397-2193
After we process your Portal Authorization Form a username and password will be sent to the email address we have on file.
If you are new to the portal we recommend reading our Patient Portal User Guide.